Time eventually came when the two had to leave Whiterun and move eastward to the province of Morrowind. Killing cows inside Whiterun may result in you receiving bounty in Winterhold. This page lists all of the Miscellaneous Quests for the city of Whiterun. She would earn the moniker of the Witch-Queen. The track runs 3 minutes and 18 seconds long with a key and a minor mode. The Imperial Legion will have your blood!". A vast majority of the citizens had blamed Jsashe but had unexpectedly exalted her to the seat of power in Dragonsreach. It is one of several possible locations that the Eternal Champion may discover in The Elder Scrolls: Arena.

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There is a skeleton floating in the moat underneath the bridge leading from Dragonsreach, there is no reason or story as to why it is there. Whiterun is well-known throughout the Empire for being the trading capital of Skyrim, due to its convenient location, surrounding the Hold capitals of Skyrim. Around this time, the township of Helgen was razed by the World-Eater Dragon named Alduin, and a survivor traveled to Whiterun, to warn the Jarl about the recent dragon attack.